Sunday, July 14, 2013

RM 7.50_Fake Nail with 2g Glue 多款简约日系假指甲贴片美甲成品

In this box there are 12pieces come with the size of 0 until 9; 
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, one each; 2pieces for each Size 5 & 6 
(From Size of 0 is the largest & Size 9 is the smallest)
这种甲片一盒12片哦,其中型号是这样分布的: 0号、1号、2号、3号、4号各有一个,5号、6号各两个,7号、8号、9号各一个,

If you only buy a box, it is very cost-effective from a cost perspective but you may need to cut & alter to fit in. Generally a box is fit for a pair of hand. 
如果只买一盒的话, 从费用角度讲很划算,但是有些甲片是需要修剪的,一般基本也够一双手。

But some people are afraid of trouble, it is best to buy two boxes of the same kind of style, so select from the appropriate use would certainly be enough. Please read carefully before making any purchase, Cheers!
但是有些人比较怕麻烦,或者根本选不出一双手的,最好同一种款式买两盒,这样从中选合适的用就肯定够用了。 请亲们看清楚再拍哦!




MODEL 9    

              MODEL 11

MODEL 15                                                               



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